Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great intentions....

Well...... I know I know..... I promised regular updates and I really feel I would have kept my word except for a little drama (for lack of a better word).

I have so appreciated the thoughts and prayers that all would go well for us. I will start by saying I am feeling much better. Three weeks ago this coming Thursday at about 1:30 Am I awoke in terrible pain. Long story short, thankfully I woke Kev to tell him that I thought everything would pass (really this isn't blog worthy and I am having second thoughts on this post). In a nutshell, I passed out in the bathroom (loss of blood, severe pain, getting up from bed quickly etc. ) and I banged my head on the back of the toilet. Kev found me and I was unconscious for a few minutes. He called the ambulance and they brought me to the hospital(Thank God that our little girls slept through the commotion)... They think that with all things combined my BP dropped too quickly etc. So, I have a concussion, but really am feeling better now. The pain in my head is mostly gone (pain and dizziness comes back off and on). So I feel that I am A OK! I had another ultrasound and was told that the D&C was not necessary as I have passed all the tissue (most probably with this episode). So, I do feel that we can now put this loss behind us fully and move forward. The sadness is a reality of the loss, but I am relieved to know that all can be put to rest physically. Needless to say, due to the concussion, I have had a pretty sound excuse not to have kept my blogging word! Anyway, now that I am more able to read, and use the computer, I really do plan on proper updates! Thanks again for your loving thoughts and prayers. xoxo

The weekend after 'the episode' Mara-Grace had her first dance recital. I know that I probably wasn't up to going, but I couldn't imagine missing this milestone for the world. I am so thankful that I was able to go. I sat there and was amazed at how far my baby girl has come. There she was, dancing like a little star!!! My darling who had been scared at first of being away for me for the 45 minutes of class was up there on the stage putting on a show! I had asked her to blow me a special kiss before she left the stage. And I would catch it and blow it back (even if she couldn't spy me in the audience). I am so thrilled to say that after she performed and waved and bowed, and was just about to leave the stage she turned and threw the biggest kiss out! I knew it was for me and I threw one right back! I truly could have burst with pride and love!!!! She was amazing, and I am one very fortunate Momma!!!! xoxo

We also had open house for Kindergarten.... yes, Mara will be starting in the Fall.... We had two program choices. English and French. French is 100% and they gradually add a little more English each year... We opted for English when we registered her a few months ago. Then we went to open house and discovered that there are only 2 others registered for the English program and the rest of the class will be grade 1's..... This really didn't sit well with me... Another long story short, with much debate, we have decided to put Mara-Grace in the French program. I pray this was the right decision. She is so much more ready for the idea of school and now talking French than she was at registration in March.

Victoria is anxiously awaiting her exam results! And keeping our fingers crossed that the postal strike will be over so that she can receive her report card in the mail!!!! I can hardly believe that she will be graduating High School this coming year. She still wants to go into Medicine, but isn't sure exactly in which direction. I am so proud of my Tori as she has adjusted so well to all of the changes this past year. She is an amazing girl.

Our little Hannah has now given up her booster seat at the table. Really, I am trying to be brave here seeing all of the baby things disappearing:) She has proven to be a fearless little swimmer (which is rather worrisome). The big news is that our little Miss Hannah Faith has pee pee'd and as of today, pooped in her potty!!!!! Such a milestone! Really the process has been a little slow, and I haven't wanted to push her. I think now though this may be a little easier. She is quite proud of her accomplishments!!!!

This past week we travelled with Kev who had to be away with work. We were in Toronto and London Ontario... He was busy working, but it was so wonderful to have some time with my three girls. We swam and shopped and just enjoyed our time. Except for our ride home when Miss Hannah didn't think Mara should fall asleep! Kev had a rental car instead of our van and wow, what a change for our girls to be right side by side! "Wake up Mara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yikes!!!!! :) We arrived home (Hannah didn't sleep!) to no power! Kev ran in and lit the candles and we were home safe and sound... albeit exhausted!!!!

xo Ok, I am bushed, and will write more soon!!!! xoxoxo


  1. So glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    Naomi is starting school in the fall too ... scary but exciting at the same time.

    Hope you are having a nice summer!

  2. Thank-you for the update and I too am glad you are feeling better, you have been through so much and yet your faith shines bright. Your girls are looking beautiful as usual and I love the picture of Mara-Grace in her dance outfit.

    I'm wondering if you ever got my e-mail a while back?

    Hope you enjoy your summer.

