We are so happy to have Victoria home for the summer! Hannah and Mara-Grace adore their time with their big sister so much. I have never seen a kinder, more giving (of time) and patient sister. Victoria is a constant supply of new games and fun and songs! Some that teenagers love, and so do Hannah and Mara! It is funny to see them get so excited when Tori plays them a new song! If there is anything too mature in the lyrics she changes them to be appropriate. Victoria is so special and sometimes I worry that I do not post enough about our Tori. At 15 however, I walk a very fine line of what I know Tori would appreciate me talking about and posting approved pictures! I will post this though, yes a bit of a brag session, but I am so proud of her! She has completed the 9th grade with flying colors and some awards! Victoria was given High Honours in History, Computer Science and Science & Tech. And she was given Honours in Phys. Ed, English, Mathematics and Visual Arts. She was given medals in History and Computer Science. She is a dedicated student and we couldn't be more proud of her! Now, bring on Grade 10 in her new school!!! Victoria is finding the summer a little long without her friends and routine. She is looking forward to meeting some friends her age (but loves her time with her little friends! LOL)
Mara-Grace is having a splendid summer. I must say, sadly, she really wasn't doing very well about Sunday's and mass. Most weeks for many weeks, she would sit there with her head down, not participate and cross her arms and look away from anyone who spoke to her. She even stomped back from coming with us for communion one week. Boy, was that embarrassing! She was having a very very difficult time adjusting to the idea of a new parish and a new priest. We went to different churches, in hopes that one would call out to our needs/ideas. We are happy and relieved to report that we have found a church that seems to suit our family well. The first 2 weeks there Mara-Grace was again, unimpressed. It is always around communion that her mood turned from grouchy to heartbroken and angry. I said some prayers that we could reach her as church was something she always looked forward to. Of course her beloved Fr.Jerome was there which was much of the excitement for her! I think we broke through a little with her when I explained that I understood she missed Fr.Jerome very much. And that this is normal. But I also told her that Fr. Jerome would be sad to hear that she is so angry and sad at church. I explained that it would make Fr. Jerome happy to hear that we have found a church to belong to and participate at. This was the turning point... She slowly opened up to the idea that maybe she should try to find some special things about our new church. For instance, Fr. Joe is our new priest. Fr. Joe and Fr. Jerome both start with J and they both have O's and E's in their names! This was VERY interesting to her! Also, she likes to look at the stained glass windows at our new church. Fr. Joe has been very kind to her as he knows she was very sad ( I explained it to him when he greeted her and she ignored him outright!). I am very relieved to say that Mara-Grace is now looking forward to mass tomorrow morning! I believe we have seen the light! Apart from church, Mara has continued to love our new adventures here! Today she picked a whole bag of acorns for me! These are very special treasures to her (as they should be!). She went to bed excited tonight as I told her that tomorrow morning I have a little surprise for her and for Hannah. The surprise is a few books on summertime and going to the beach. We are talking alot about our upcoming trip to Maine.
As for Hannah, life is changing quickly! She is changing daily! She is growing and glowing! She is such a beautiful little soul. A few of the firsts lately have been:
Being 23 months old (as of yesterday!), tasting a bite of a toasted marshmallow, her first Canada day, meeting many new faces of family at a baby shower last weekend (that is where the pic in the last post was taken) She runs like the wind now! She is a perfect mimic! She has the most amazing sense of humour! She loves to throw her toys! Yesterday, I heard her saying, "Thank(tank) you Mommy" I looked into the living room to see her talking for her dollhouse baby to the Mother! OMG she is playing and talking for her toys!!!! She also talks through story books now when reading 'alone'. She loves her bedtime stories and can point to all of the animals/insects in one of her favorite books. She also adores Goodnight Moon and points to all of the pictures mentioned. She even puts her finger to her lip and says Shhh (ch ch)for the Old Lady whispering Hush! She rarely forgets her Thank You's and she knows when to say Sorry when it is appropriate to do so. She says three word sentences mostly. And also says Goodnight! So cute. She can say every one's name in our immediate family and pronounces tori like Torgi:) She LOVES to say Daisy!!!!
This week we spent the night in a hotel near where we used to live. We had a few doctor's appointments spread over two days so it was a nice little holiday to take! We truly enjoyed the pool at the hotel. There has been an extreme heat wave and not to sound spoiled, but we have missed our A/C and pool we grew accustomed to in our old house! Kevin's parents surprised us with a portable AC which does an incredible job of cooling down the kitchen, great room and living rooms. The upstairs has been sauna like with the extreme heat! Usually at night it truly does cool down with the river and the mountain air but not in this heatwave!!!! The hotel was a treat this week!!!!
The pics below have been taken over the last few weeks. Mostly our girls having some summer fun! There is one taken of the back of our house. There are a few in the pool this week! Hannah loved the water and Mara-Grace is a fish! She is almost ready to swim on her own!!! Both little ladies adore their lessons from Victoria! Wow! She is incredible with all of her ideas!!! She had taken a course specifically on how to teach children. It sure was wonderful! I loved watching them!
Lots of love xoxo Enjoy the summer sun!

O.K. Jennifer...I am jealous...There I said it!!!
ReplyDeleteYour new (old) home is something else. The view, the grounds just stunning. The girls all look so good and happy. I am really glad for you all.
May God continue to bless your family.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures
( I just did a whole comment and it disappeared - if it reappears, forgive the repetition.)
ReplyDeleteDitto everything Helen just said. What a great post. Victoria is truly a dream. Such a perfect big sis.
I'm glad to hear Mara-Grace is settling into your new church. She's such a deep soul.
Enjoy that AC and your summer. Sending big hugs, my friend.