Thursday, June 2, 2011

About time for a proper hello!

Oh where does the time go? I feel rather negligent when it comes to regular blog updating. And always have the best intentions to find the time to sit and write. It seems that when our little girls are settled, this give me some quiet time with Kev and I hate to lose a minute of this! So, my blogging is delayed!

Since writing last, we are all healing with time. Unfortunately I still have tissue remaining which hopefully will pass on its own. If not, when I go for another ultrasound and if it still confirms that then I will have a D&C. I so wish that they would have just done this procedure in the beginning and save all of this extra... Anyway, such is life...

On a happier note, we continued with our plan to host Easter at our home. It was so nice to have both sides of our family here to celebrate with us! Hannah understood so much more about the meaning of Easter and also about The Easter Bunny! She was so excited and happily participated in the Easter Egg Hunt. We also did a hunt (outside) for our girls and nieces and nephews which was so wonderful to watch! Such fun!

The arrival of Spring was much anticipated and having the Lama's, sheep, goats etc. across from us, some with new babies, is a delight. And the cows have returned to their summer home!

Another fantastic bit of excitement around here is that Kevin finished putting together the "Jungle Gym/Park". Sadly, we had a very large unexpected wind storm which uprooted many trees nearby. Unfortunately it blew over the gym set after two days of use, and before we could put the final anchors on.... The fall broke some of the boards which Kevin has replaced. Until then, and since that episode all is great! Our girls ADORE their park!!!! Thank you Daddy for all of the hours you put in to make this possible!

Victoria participated in an exchange at school. She dedicated many hours towards this project and much fundraising for local charities. We hosted some students from a reserve in Saskatchewan for a week and Victoria went there too for a week! It was a wonderful experience and she has a new love for a small reserve she knew nothing of before this exchange! She has met some new friends and has many cherished memories to look back upon (Quading ?sp? , True Beaver tails, watching a friend catch a fish with no rod, gutting fish, Bannock, soapstone carving etc...). I am happy that she participated in this, despite a last minute toe infection that had us make a midnight trip to the ER, crutches and antibiotics,a few days before her departure! Oh the memories!

Victoria also got her first official job! She works at a local movie cinema. Some of her closest girlfriends also work there, so it is work, yet enjoyable! :))

Mother's day was a little difficult this year. Our loss and also our first without our Beloved Gran here to share in this special day. We love and miss you Gran and know you are in a better place and watching over us all. It is so strange to think that it will soon be 8months since we have seen Gran. I am so thankful that she was so involved in our lives.

Thursday night is now SOCCER NIGHT! Yes, Mara-Grace has been signed up for soccer! Oh my! I am a proud Mama, but really she shows great promise! She is fantastically coordinated! She also just finished up her year of dancing and we are looking forward to her recital next weekend!

Hannah Faith continues to be a sweetheart but she is in the squealing/screaming/pulling toys away stage. EEK! For 98% of the time, our girls play so well together. But 2% yikes! Hannah can stand her ground:) She is also very much into asserting her independence (buttons, shoes, seat belts, booster belt etc... Hmmmmmm aside from if there is a time crunch, this works out ok:)) She is so funny and and has the most infection giggle! She is a tender heart in a such a large way. She is so compassionate and sometimes cries if Mara is crying. She also tries her best to comfort Mara too. She will rub her back, kiss her face and tell her, "Is ok Mawa" Too cute!

Speaking of shoes, Mara-Grace has mastered tying her own!!!! Way to go sweetheart! I ordered a book through Scholastic on the subject and after reading this, it just clicked for her! I am so proud of her!!!!

Also, Mara got her ears pierced! We have had no problems and have cleaned them twice a day for 6 weeks! They came out yesterday and I put in new earrings. Today she wanted the other pair in so I took them out, let her go to soccer without any (the lady at the piercing store told us that they could come out for a few hours after the 6 weeks but not to sleep without them).... Well..... Tonight I couldn't get them back in. Good Lord! What a panic! And pain! Finally we got one in properly and the other we could only get in with the backing at the front. At least we got it in. It is as though the holes closed. What a horrific event. Poor Mara.... So now we aren't sure what to do! Do we take that one backwards one out, or leave it like that for a few days to let things settled down? And then take it out and put it in properly?! We were desperate tonight and relieved that we got it in at all. Very traumatic! I was so proud of how well they were doing! I just hope all is ok still.... We won't take them out and leave them out for a few hours again for at least another 6 weeks.

Hannah also has something new and exciting to wear, I will post about this seperately in a few days!

I do promise to write a little every few days. Even a little is better than nothing:) I hope that this note finds you all well! xoxoxo Here are some pics over the last little while. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, you guys are always so busy. You constantly amaze me with the way you handle life's trials with such grace.

