Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How blessed we are...

I am soon off to bed, but couldn't let the day pass without acknowledging the earthquake we had today. It measured 5.5 and was considered to be small, but it definitely was terrifying in my opinion.

I was on the phone with my Mother when I realised what was happening. I yelled that we had to get outside to Mara-Grace who was playing in a large box (and told me afterwards that she thought I was mailing her (we'd played that!) and it was her box that was jumping). Thankfully Hannah was in my arms already and Lady who seemed to sense something before it happened was already at the door! Poor baby Daisy was sleeping on my bed!

Kev was home as he works from his home office most days now. He came out to where we were and he grabbed Mara out of her box and we ran outside. It seemed to last and last.

After the initial scare of it, I felt panic set in. I had driven Victoria to meet her cousin into the city to shop. They were in a packed, popular shopping centre in a city I know Victoria isn't quite familiar with yet. She was even set to take a bus home and I was to meet her when she got off. Anyway, I called her cell phone once I got a line out. And nothing..... I called and called and I couldn't reach her. I was shaking to the core. This is when I was really the most terrified. My imagination was running with all of the possibilities.... It took us over half an hour and finally we were able to reach her.... I had been able to connect through to her voicemail and left her a message saying what had happened and to phone me immediately. Nothing....... Just before eventually getting to talk with her, we received a text message from her saying that the shopping centre was evacuated due to explosives and asking us to come right away. OMG My poor girl... I could only imagine how scared she was.... Thankfully we were able to reach her after this and we explained what was going on.... The downtown core was evacuated and we wouldn't be able to drive to her.... She was safe, she was outside and she was calm as I talked with her. I told her that her best bet was to take the planned bus home as it was coming within 20 minutes from that point. So, that she did.

I am so thankful to know that everyone was safe during this..... How blessed we are.... It sometimes takes an unexpected near emergency to remind us what is most important in our lives. I am so thankful.... I held my three girls a little extra today. We really are so blessed.

Much love from our home to yours. xoxo


  1. Oh Jennifer - I thought of you immediately when I heard that the center was near Ottawa. I'm so glad you posted - I almost called you after I watched the news just now and saw how much disturbance there was.

    I felt it here and knew it was an earthquake but it was over before I had time to wake up Milana. It was pretty mild here but it was real.

    Very scary to think what a really big one would be like. I'm so glad you're all OK.

    Big hugs,

  2. Allo Jennifer

    Nous l'avons aussi senti jusqu'à chez nous et ce n'est pas agréable du tout !!!

    Je suis contente de lire que tout le monde se porte bien chez vous ... fiou.

    Bonne journée
    Dominique xx
