I wish that I could have found a moment (a long moment) to sit and write about how we have settled in etc. before now....
Now I feel that unless I devote 3 hours, I won't be able to capture everything! I will try....
Our move went well (despite the moving truck having the keys locked inside half way to our new home:) All went well and we so appreciated the helping hands that were essential for this move.
Our new home is 2 hours away from our old home... So, it definitely required more planning than a move within the same city. Thankfully, all went pretty smoothly!
Our girls as I have mentioned have settled in really well. Hannah had trouble about 4 days in for two nights. But I think it may be due to her trying to cut her molars and not the changes at home. Poor pumpkin. She is such a patient, sweet peach. She truly was easy going with all of the unpacking and settling. She seems to delight in each day.
Victoria has been back and forth and after her trip with Kevin to Vienna, she stayed during the week with her friend and her family in order to go to school etc. Now it is exam time and she writes her final exam on Tuesday. She is well settled into her room which in in the basement but has been re-done for her. She seems happy with her choices! And she also has a job interview for a summer job at Subway on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed! She really wants the experience and it will take up her time a little this summer as she is here without any of her friends yet.
Mara-Grace has embraced this move whole-heartedly. I am so thankful. We tried to prepare her as best we could and it seems to have comforted her. She is very happy here and enjoying country living! We even have new 'friends' in the field below... The cows and calves (SO CUTE!) have arrived at their summer retreat and we have been enjoying watching them! Daddy and Mara even walked down to the river one evening. Mara-Grace doesn't skip a beat! She is busy from the morning till bedtime! She has forgone her naps btw... I so miss them! But, it is also nice to have a little time alone with Miss Mara. She and I take the extra time to garden together etc. The only real upset has been mass.... We actually have attended a few different churches in hopes to find the right fit for our family. Mara-Grace was most upset last week. Our parish and Father Jerome are most missed. Apart from that, Mara-Grace is really happy here. She even has had the chance to meet a special little friend named Emma and this has made a big difference and opened her world a little more!
Although I have yet to take any real settled pictures, the house and unpacking is definitely coming along! I had done all of the unpacking I could do while Tori and Kev were in Vienna. Now Kev is settling his office (will finish building the doors tomorrow) and after that, we need to re-organize the shed and garage and get rid of a few leftover boxes and we are FINISHED!
Funny story... (well, now anyway~!) For the two weeks I was alone with our little girls, I tried to settle all I could. It was a lot of work and I found myself working most nights as my 'helpers' slept! With a new home, comes new noises and different critters! The spiders are definitely a little bigger here (they are wood spiders) and you see different beetles and June bugs, fireflies etc... The other night we saw the most beautiful moth. It was HUGE. I thought it may have been a bird at first! It was actually a Luna Moth. Gorgeous. Sadly, they only live a week as they have no mouth.... Anyway, while alone I thought I heard a mouse.... Turns out it probably was a Chipmunk outside... Ok, so I realised I have to get used to country living again! I did grow up here after all ao it must be still in me!!! Anyway, I was rather worried about the possibility of coming face to face with a snake (still am really, but I am improving daily with the help of enjoying my flower beds that Mara, Hannah and I have been hard at work in! And I haven't seen a snake yet!) and thinking I might die if I see a mouse and am alone here to try to capture it. Anyway, so thankfully nothing 'adventurous' happened in the mouse/snake dept. while I was 'alone'... I did however have an adventure with a baby crow who I prayed for and worried about as it wasn't flying! It had landed in the house gutter and then was on the ground. The mother was frantic. I was too.... Poor little guy. I am happy to report that it did indeed take flight on day two of operation Novena for the little guy!
Anyway (funny story time!) last week Mara-Grace came walking down during her "quiet time" and she says, "OoOOOH Mommy, guess what I just saw upstairs?" I had no idea and wasn't impressed that she was down again! hehe And the conversation went like this:
M-G A Mouse!
me Are you sure?
M-G yes Mommy!!!!! (the excitement in her voice!)
Me It wasn't a spider?
Me I don't think so Mara.... I don't think we'd have a mouse at this time of year in the house.. Did it have a tail?
M-G Yes! And ears and everything! And it looked at me and ran into the linen closet...
So, I went to look.... I should rephrase this... I went to the landing at the front entrance and looked up towards the linen closet and as I did.... OUT Came a Mouse! OMG I jumped (way to go Mom... with all attempts at keeping cheerful and calm and I wanted to faint!) and the poor little mouse jumped! And Mara did too. Then I ran into the other room and told Mara to quickly run down and tell Daddy! I know, so stinking brave of me to send M-G! And Mara comes back up to tell me that Daddy cannot.... WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? So, thankfully the laptop was in the kitchen. I emailed Kev something like this...
Kev: I am really sorry, but I cannot. I am on a very critical call
OMG How long I ask....
Kev: 30 minutes
The 30 minutes was really 20 minutes. But it really felt like an eternity. It seemed like hours! I tried to be brave and I wanted to scream!!!!!!! My imagination was running wild with thoughts like :
-is it alone?
-how did it come in?
-why on earth upstairs?
-where is it now?
-does it have a family?
-poor little thing, how will I capture it and set it free?
-what if it gets hurts?
-what if we cannot find it?
-what if it's family is wondering?
-where is it's family?
-could it be part of a gang?
-Did it look gangster mouse?
I even said to Mara, "Let's think about Cinderella and her mice!" LOL She says, "Oh yes Mommy, let's make a list (she knows me so well) and we'll think about what the mouse loves!"
FINALLY Kev came back upstairs and says how busy he is but he will take a look. Not a minute later he is back! UMMMMM no sign of the mouse.... NO Kidding! I wasn't the sweetest wife at this moment... I fully expected Kev to drop everything and help find this mouse! Kev felt that he could have been anywhere by then. Ok, true.... don't remind me. So, I said that if we haven't found it, and safely brought it outside by bed time we were checking into a hotel! LOL I was dead serious! I know now that I was being silly but if it were to happen again tomorrow, I may think the same way. Yikes! So, Kev did more work and I sweat it more and more... Now my imagination is running like a freight train! I am so worried about the mouse at this point.... It must be hungry, thirsty, WHERE IS IT?!!!!!!!!!!!! And what are it's plans?!
So, Suppertime came and I said to Kev, "you go ahead and eat. I cannot... I am not hungry, I am worried sick. PLEASE go and see if you can find it Kev. PLEASE" Kev went off grumbling a little again. Now, I should explain that I am constantly talking to St Anthony and he always helps me find whatever it is a looking for. Perhaps my mind should be my next request?!!! Anyway, I prayed like no other to St. Anthony. I asked him PLEASE help us find the mouse and Kev was going to put a bowl over it and a cardboard under and take him outside.... That was my grand plan. I knew it was a long shot to find a mouse hours later. Well, I didn't get through two lines of my prayer and Kev called out, I've got him!!!!!! I was so incredibly thankful and relieved..... The poor little one was so tiny. I don't know what he was thinking! The only thing I can think of is that we had brought in Kev's new desk the night before and it was cold and raining, and the door was left open, could it have come in? There are no signs of mice here.... But we are in the country and such things have been known to happen (trying to remind myself that there has never been a mouse upstairs in over thirty years and this means I am good for another thirty?).... We did buy some safe traps JUST IN CASE....The kinds that do not hurt the mouse in any way..... I really am so thankful all was ok in the end for our adventurous little visitor. Poor little thing was rather cute really....As Kev showed me him I asked him to spread the word to his friends that we will not be running a mouse motel here....
Ok... it is getting late and I am babbling on! Are you still reading?! :)) Now as per my title, we have had so many gifts lately....
-coming 'home' full circle really... and it has gone so well
-the gifts of seeing first hand all of the gifts of Mother nature unfolding before our eyes
-new friendships
-seeing our girls get to really know their grandparents. Now when we turn on my parents street Hannah calls out, her version of Poppy! She adores my parents! LOVES to see and call for Poppy (bopbop/baba). She still hasn't wanted to come right up to my Gran yet, but she is getting there! She blows kisses and talks with her!
-We have been given the gift of being home with Hannah 6 months now!!!!!! What an incredible 6 months it has been.... Such a tremendous gift our Hannah is.... She also has just turned 22 months!!!!!
-We've also been given the gift of being closer to everyone in our families.... So nice to make plans and know we are now closer in distance.
-yes we miss our parish, and community and special friends, but we have been given the gift of keeping in touch with them too! (You know who you are, please do too!!! xo) We have been given the gift of knowing that distance doesn't really change those who are special to us...
And one incredible gift came home today.... Yes, we have a new baby.... She already has a special place in my heart... She is a three month old kitten named Daisy Mae Maia and she is the sweetest little darling I have ever seen! We have wanted to adopt another kitten since the loss of our precious Mischief 3 years ago.... We also didn't want to rush things. Lady is getting quite old now (thankfully she seems really content here but she is slowing down at a rapid rate) I wasn't sure it would be fair to her.... Kittens are busy etc... Anyway, when we talked about moving we also said that when we are settled we will adopt a kitten. Well, our girls have been talking about this non stop! And the time seemed right... My worry being mostly for Lady... Anyway, we bought all we need for a new kitten this week and yesterday we called our SPCA which told us they just sent their kittens off to a pet shop which has an SPCA counter there. So, being the evening, we didn't want to bring anyone home too late, and without our girls but there was a slight possibility if needs be too. So, we hired Tori to babysit and Kevin and I went out last evening to take a peek (with plans of returning with our girls today). There were three little kittens there..... Oh they were sweet, and Kev was all for bringing one home.... I don't know what it was but I looked at them and made eye contact with one little girl and although I knew I would love her, it just didn't seem right... It didn't feel right for some strange reason.... I cannot explain it and Kev was floored! I feel the need to give EVERYONE a home, now we have the chance and I just didn't want to jump in..... I stuck to the plan of wanting to come home and think about them. The little girl (we wanted a girl this time) was so busy. Non stop busy and I worried about Hannah and Lady.... Anyway, when we got home I was so undecided. I went to the Humane Society website and looked at their adoptable cats/kittens and I came face to screen? with a face I loved immediately... I just knew...... It felt so right but I was apprehensive to get any one's hopes up in case her write up suggested she wouldn't be right for our family (dog, kids etc...). We made plans to get to the shelter for opening and take a peek at little Maia.... Well, that is what we did. The five of us got there for opening and we went in to a room that was full of so many beautiful cats and kittens. I had room for all of them in my heart, but we quickly sought out Maia and I knew.... I held my breath and was so relieved to read that she is not afraid of children or of being picked up by children etc.... She is active, but loves to be cuddled and loves to sleep on your bed. Tori's dream! Btw, I dreamt of her all night! She was our perfect fit! We spent quite a while filling out her paperwork and she came home with us. Such a darling, calm and yet playful personality. She purrs and has used her litter box and ate and drank and cuddled and is an absolute doll.... We are all head over heels in love with her! And Lady is interested in her, and patient with her. She is comfortable and calm, but at this point does hiss at Lady who looks as though she isn't taking it personally. I now think that Lady may enjoy this new little life with her... She always loved Mischief and loves to visit my folks who have two cats. She looks happy and I am relieved. While Daisy Mae Maia does hiss at Lady, she is also not too scared to sit and dose in the same room as Lady. These are great signs. She also has loved exploring the house as long as Lady is not walking around! I think they will be friends once she gets more comfortable and trusting of Lady. We are happy to see that Lady isn't afraid of her! Lady is a bit of a chicken (so they say) I just know she is a Momma's girl! :) So, our darling little Daisy Mae Maia is home at last! Our family seems complete! xoxo
Much love from our home to yours. xoxo
Wow beaucoup de nouvelles ! Bonne chance avec tes petites souris hi hi hi !!!
ReplyDeleteFélicitations pour votre nouveau petit bébé ...
Dominique xx
Jen,sweet Jen. How did I miss this post??? Well, I did but I'm so glad I found it. What a recap of the latest goings on chez vous.
ReplyDeleteI laughed (well....with empathy)at your mouse story. Hmm....hubbies share that gene, sort of yeah, whatever - I'll get to it. Menawhile - we're dying. (Can you tell I've been there. Similar outcome too, only it was during a Christmas dinner with 10 guests. Oh joy!)
The girls sound like they're settling in so well and you sound so happy to be close to your family again. That's wonderful!
Love your newest daughter!! What a cutey-face. (Hmmm....she may have a job to go along with her cuteness!)
Enjoy it all - and still am in awe of that view. Oh, laughed my head off at St. Anthony finding your mind. I'll have to remember that.