Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Good morning from the Shriners hospital.
Mara-Grace spent a great evening last night mostly playing in what they call "the park" which is the huge play room. They have everything so well organized there. We played with dolls, and she and I got to play with all of the doctor stuff! They even have leg casts, braces, wheelchairs etc for the dolls. This Shriner's mostly deals with orthopedics and you see many little ones learning to walk with prosthesis or strengthening their legs etc. One little boy we have met has had back surgery and has been here for 5 weeks already with 3 more to go! This weekend he is going swimming and to see a movie! Another little girl has come from China with her mom for treatment. They also have cleft specialty but we were told that often their operating room is loaned out as in our case. We have been seeing our doctor for the past few years at another CHILDREN'S hospital. When I see first hand all of the incredible work that the Shriner's hospital does, I will definitely make it a point to support it more.
After much playing, the even have a remote dinosaur WOW!!, we came back to Mara's room and I brought her for a special pre op bath. Into her new pj's (many thanks Nanny and Grampa, they fit perfectly!) and into bed. A young surgeon who works with Dr William's was in to explain the procedure and to take some pics. Funny tidbit of info is that I had just taken a shower, no makeup, hair a wet mess etc and the Doc came in. Kinda embarrassing! But not as embarrassing as the fact that after that KeV headed off to the hotel and I was on the phone with mom and Tori when I am trying to make Tori laugh by saying that I thought of her as the doc was in and I was a sheer mess in my pj's to boot! And as I am telling her that she would have flipped as he was such a great looking doctor, he came back in!!!! Yep, smiling ear to
Ear! I am sure he heard! Lol. At least it made Victoria laugh after such a tragic day... She and Hannah are both doing well.. Tori and my parent's even buried Daisy today... On our property.... I am so proud of Victoria.... I know how difficult this must have been...
Afterwards, Mara settled well. I found it rather hard to fall asleep despite my pleasant sleep chair! My mind couldn't help relive the day that passed and my sadness for Daisy. It gave
Us comfort to hear that her death would have been peaceful. She died almost looking like she was washing her paw. All stretched out where she loved to lie, with a look of peace. Even a little sweet sleeping smile, I can just picture her as she often looked that way. We will all miss her very deeply. I almost told Mara last night but I am afraid she will cry and be heartbroken and all stuffed up for her surgery. Already, she has sneezed a bit today and her nose has started to run. No fever but they will assess her this morning to see if they will proceed with surgery. Anyway, as Mara was saying her prayers she thanked God for looking after Daisy. I added that if Daisy cannot get better to please take good care of her in heaven. Mara replied that she is only a kitten so she is too young to not get better. I told her gently that sometimes even kittens can be so sick they go to heaven. And then I talked a bit about how we wouldn't want Daisy to be suffering if she couldn't get well etc. She agreed and I felt I prepared her a little...
After that Mara settled well. And has slept peacefully all night. She has been giggling a little in her sleep as morning slowly approaches...

The Doctor told us that Mara would have to stay at least another night. He also said that she will be in quite some
Pain but will be treated appropriately with meds depending on the level etc. She will be on a liquid diet for about 10 days. Thankfully one of her favorites is soup!!!! Poor little pumpkin....

I am going to take on the day now. I will update as I can....

Please think of Mara. She is scheduled at 8:45 am and the procedure is 2 hours...

Much love.

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