Saturday, June 23, 2012

Goodbye Kindergarten Days....

Mara-Grace had a wonderful year, and a very special last day of school!  Her class had activities in the morning and they played outside cooling down with some water sprinklers!  

After school, we all went to meet Mara-Grace outside of her class and say another goodbye/thank you to Madame Joelle.  Then it was off to Dairy Queen for a little after school treat! xoxo  
Today we celebrated Mara-Grace's graduation from Kindergarten by going for lunch at her favorite Chinese restaurant and then choosing something at Toys R Us.  She chose a bike helmet for her baby, a littlest petshop toy and a game!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Naomi was so excited too - they are off to grade 1 so soon.
