Thursday, February 25, 2010

I so appreciated your notes.... Let me begin by saying, we have every intention of still participating in our adoption group activities! We are so fortunate to have made many friendships in this circle of very special people and we will always stay in touch. Plus, we won't be that far away! We can easily pop back and forth and not miss much!!!! The Christmas Party is a given, and Sugaring off too! And then of course if there is a summer gathering etc... The only thing I may miss and boy will I miss them is the Mom's Night outs! OK< as I type I know I will do my best to come to the odd one at least!!!! There is one this weekend which I will sadly have to miss as we are having an open house event here on Sunday, and I will be busy prepareing. I pray that someone pops in who wants to make this house their home. We have had 3 visits so far.... I will keep you posted when I have any news!

Next week is March Break! Victoria is so looking forward to her spring break! For obvious reasons!!!!

Mara-Grace is very excited for next week also. We told her about a special surprise happening Thursday. Victoria is booked to babysit Hannah and Kevin and I are taking Mara-Grace to see Disney On Ice Princess Classics! I cannot wait! It will be a special little evening out just for Miss Mara! When we told her this morning she was beyond thrilled!

Hannah Faith had her first blood work done today! We learned of the most wonderful private lab that comes to your home! (Thanks for this info Doris!)It was incredible! The nurse came to our house and took Hannah's blood tests. She sat very still and was as patient as a peach with the whole procedure. She did cry understandably, but remained still etc... I was so proud of her. She even waved goodbye to Andrea the nurse!!!

Well, I suppose I should be on my way now. I may try to change the blog background (yes, again!!!! I love the change but cannot seem to settle on a favorite right now!).

All the best.

xo Jen


  1. Allo ! Je vous souhaite un très beau spectacle avec votre petite Mara ... elle en a de la chance, papa et maman juste pour elle wow !

    C'est une bonne idée les prises de sang à la maison. Nous avons fait faire ceux d'Alexie la semaine passée. Elle a aussi fait ça comme une championne.

    bye bye
    Dominique xxx

  2. Hi my friend. I do hope your open house is sucessful this Sunday (even though I don't want you to go).

    I love that you have a special date with Mara. She will love the Princesses on Ice. And these special times are so important.

    btw - love this blog change. You're so good with all this techie stuff. I wish you'd give a course. I'd love to be in charge of mine. I can't change anything design-wise without Danielle doing it. Grrr... Not even my pictures on my sidebar.

    I'll thinking about you on Sunday.

  3. Jennifer,
    I was really happy to learn the news from Yan, that heard it from Joel that you guys were coming back :)

    We are looking forward to visiting you once you're back in the region. I think our Princess Emma will be happy to meet Princess Mara !!! (We are also going to see Princess on Ice in Ottawa)

    Hope to see you guys this summer and have a chance to get to know you better. Give us a shout if you need help with the move, Kevin was so nice to help us when we left Dorval :)


